3rd ICCML Forum
European Capital Markets Law
The third ICCML Forum dealt with fundamental questions of European capital markets regulation in a comparative legal analysis. With the headline “Challenges in the next Decade”, the following talks have been given:
Prof. Dr. Eddy Wymeersch, Ghent University, Chairman of CESR
CESR’s Role in European Capital Markets Law
Jochen Sanio, President of BaFin, Frankfurt
Cross Border Enforcement – The BaFin’s View
Prof. Dr. Dirk Verse, University of Osnabrück
Investor Protection – Harmonising Liability Rules
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess, University of Heidelberg
Fighting Rational Apathy – the Call for a European Class Action
Howard Rosenblatt, Latham & Watkins, Brussels
Class Actions in the US